Rutherford is about 1 hour from Asbury Park. It is not the closest NJ shore point, but we chose it for our first fall beach outing. I LOVE the beach in autumn - it's almost deserted, its beautiful, the waves are high, the sand pristine and I can walk along the shore in a sweater and barely worry about a sunburn. As a bonus, most of the NJ shore beaches allow dogs after Oct 1. How could we not?
(Brutus' first foray into the waves)
The Casino is a gorgeous fixture on the boardwalk between Asbury Park and Ocean Grove. It was designed by noted architect Warren Whitney. Even in ruins it is both imposing and beautiful. It is being renovated now, and I can't wait to see the results.

That image of Brutus PERFECTLY captures that moment of dog curiousity/terror!
I can see the muscles in the back half of his body TOTALLY tensed to RUN AWAY FROM THE SCARY!!!!
YES! He was in love with the sand but not sure what to do with the water. Soon after this photo, he saw another dog playing in the surf and it all made sense. It was very hard to choose a shot to post because I took about a bazillion funny/cute pictures of "puppy's first..."
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